
Guo Peng’s Project: The Distinction Between The Past And The Present And The Future Is Nothing More Than A Stubborn And Persistent Illusion

Organhaus  器空间 郭棚个人项目 2020

The ontology of image is explored in historical context of image. In an open and closed space, a dialogue starts between various generating ways of image and real field. The existence form of image, the existence form of relationship and the existence form of getting along constitute a logic theater of mutual reference. And in the end it is consciousness that constructs everything that is perceived.


Pure space and time are doomed to disappear in the shadow, only the combination of the two can continue to preserve an independent objective reality. ––Herman Minkowski


The distinction between the past and the present and the future is nothing more than a stubborn and persistent illusion. ––Albert Einstein

整件作品缘起于艺术家在重庆驻留期间的视觉映像,艺术家将在重庆游走拍摄和收集的图片以及通过网络搜索引擎所搜集的“重庆”一词以及“重”“庆”二字,所随机出现的相关“图像”下载并打印,再将其中的图片部分镂空之后投射于墙面,用铲刀在墙面铲出所投射影像。以此若干镂空图片的投射阴影相互交错叠加由之而构建意识发掘现场。在相互交错叠加的铲痕中你或许会看到星空,波澜以及犹如密码般微小而广袤的痕迹。此刻“图像”本身已经没有意义,而仅仅是折射于个体与不同时间空间的交集,意识成为唯一真实的边界。艺术家更在意探索图像所引发的意识在内与外,有形与无形之间所形成的引力场。这将超越以人类为中心去探讨世界本源的边界,整个空间四周墙面形成铲刀铲出的凹凸不平的意识。而铲出的“墙灰渣”与“图像”犹如意识般散落于空间四周。而此刻,艺术家使用丝绸拓印凹凸不平的墙面,白色的旗帜被密密麻麻的印痕所填满,犹如出土的铭文述说着“有”与“无”,“真相”与“假相”,这种絮叨般的述说犹如刻意的意识将映像深处的刻痕升华为精神指引的“旗帜”,由此意识所构建之引力场使我们遭遇其中! ——郭棚